I recently entered into the Jerry's Artarama Artist Merit and Achievement Awards contest. This contest is in honor
of their 51st Anniversary as well as their founder, Jerry Goldstein, who always
loved to hear a good personal story.
This is from their website:
"With the help of the Jerry
Goldstein Foundation, Jerry's Artarama, and its sponsors, we are giving away a
minimum of $51,000* to artists with great personal stories, incredible talent
and/or unique creativity and achievements to share! Jerry always liked a good
personal story and we hope that you share one with us. No matter if you have
achieved immense success, are still struggling or are a student wanting to go
to art school your story is important to us!"
Here is my story submission:
I, like most artists, had a love for
creativity and art at an early age. I grew up drawing and coloring and was
mainly inspired by comic books and cartoons. I never took up painting but
always wanted to especially when watching Bob Ross. I remember my mom
purchasing me a Bob Ross painting kit, but unfortunately I never used it.
Through the years I kept up with
drawing but eventually that phased out once other things took precedence.
Fast forward to 2013, the year that
was a defining yet difficult year for me. It was the year that my mom passed
away. It was sudden. It happened while I was with her. It was heartbreaking. I
hadn’t hit such a dark period in my life prior to that moment. I kept on with
life because that’s who I was and still am. I persevered. I needed to keep
on…not just for myself but for my kids and family.
From 2013 to 2015, I had to do some
soul searching. What was my purpose or meaning in this world or this life that
can be gone in an instant? That’s when I prayed and asked God for guidance on
what I should do. Slowly but surely I started to listen…paint. Take that pain
and paint. Just paint. At that time it wasn’t about creating a masterpiece, but
just to paint until I felt complete or happy with what was on the canvas. Once
I started to paint and started to open myself up to the idea that I could be an
artist, the ideas flowed.
Painting became my therapy as I
finally started to grieve my mother’s death and painting will always be
therapeutic for me. I want my emotions to become a teacher, not a master. With
each brush stroke, marking, and layers I am able to clear my head, heart, and
soul and what bogs it down. Once I get my ideas or emotions on canvas, it is a
sense of release and calm.
Whenever I question myself as an
artist, I remind myself that my mother would certainly be pushing me and
encouraging me to keep doing what I am doing. The fact that I have already
inspired and reached others through my artwork and my art journey is one of the
biggest motivations for me to keep creating. Having loving and supportive
friends and family is also what keeps me continually motivated.
I truly do believe that I was
created by my Creator to create.
I would love to be able to win this
award to purchase art materials for my canvas work as well as funding future
projects that will require more expensive materials and supplies. My goal is to
continue creating art for sale as well as helping with community projects and
organizations through my art and/or art sales."
Thank you to Jerry's Artarama for
holding a contest like this. They have so many wonderful contests and
opportunities for artists.